Video 9 – GRR-Rip Block Storage

Published on by Mike  (Leave a comment)

jointer_grripblock_storageLike most jointers, mine came with two basic push blocks.  While they are safer to use than nothing at all, there is a better alternative out there.  A couple of years ago I bought one GRR-Rip Block at a woodworking show, and loved how it worked on the jointer.  I ended up buying a second one, and both are now dedicated for use at the jointer.  Since I no longer use the standard push blocks, and I didn’t want to start the new ones on the jointer tables, I decided it was time to change the storage on my jointer to accommodate the GRR-Rip Block.  I used scarp material from around the shop to put this together.  Since I got all my measurements off the blocks and jointer, I don’t have and any drawings on this one.  Just make sure that the bottom board is wide enough to accommodate both blocks as well as the two side pieces.  For the length, make sure it is long enough for the back support and the length of a block.  The new storage solution for the GRR-Rip blocks works very well to keep them out-of-the-way when they aren’t needed, but are easily grabbed when I am ready to face joint a board.